Thursday, August 23, 2007

6th meeting

first of all, making a short story is not hard for me
not because I have a wide imagination.
But one time, when i was boared i do poems about love...,
I haven't made anything and friends read it all...(waaaa!!!)

The first thing that comes to my mind was to relax. Then I thought of something," what's my next story" , and started to wrute any else...
I was the one who write my story its my own feelings....
So I'd say that, that was one of the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished.

The next one was really cooking and do something in home!!...
I hate to cook because i dont know how to cook food!!..(ahehehehe...._
One day, I was left in our house w/ my brother...when my family went somewhere that I have so many things to do. When I get hungry, I looked into our refrigerator, I found hotdog...(" hotdog is the only food,i can cook...).....ahikhikhik....
.. At night when my mama and papa came, they ask me whwt i cook i told them only the hotdog...

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