Thursday, August 23, 2007

6th meeting

first of all, making a short story is not hard for me
not because I have a wide imagination.
But one time, when i was boared i do poems about love...,
I haven't made anything and friends read it all...(waaaa!!!)

The first thing that comes to my mind was to relax. Then I thought of something," what's my next story" , and started to wrute any else...
I was the one who write my story its my own feelings....
So I'd say that, that was one of the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished.

The next one was really cooking and do something in home!!...
I hate to cook because i dont know how to cook food!!..(ahehehehe...._
One day, I was left in our house w/ my brother...when my family went somewhere that I have so many things to do. When I get hungry, I looked into our refrigerator, I found hotdog...(" hotdog is the only food,i can cook...).....ahikhikhik....
.. At night when my mama and papa came, they ask me whwt i cook i told them only the hotdog...

5th Meeting

4th meeting

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;

- even i give wrong answer the teacher would get my answer even it is wrong or right.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;

- i hope they accept my opinion, and i would also accept theirs,

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;

- i also add my suggestions and what i thinking that could help our work.

- when you commit mistake;

- i hope they understand, nobody is perfect!!!
even if it is small or big mistake.

- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do;

- i tell to them that i think we use other opinion, but their opinion are still right.

- when they want to give you comments or suggestions?-

-i accept it and also listen to their own suggestions, because not all person have all the right traits...

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with restpect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

- they must respect them by saying "po or opo" "yes Sir! or yes ma'am!!" in them,.
And also by greeting them, when you see them,.

3rd meeting

1. if we had values everyone would give u respect whatever you do.2.By Studying hard and know how to socialite with others in and out of our campus ground.

What were your feelings / emotions during the events?

- It was really happy, because i see played my favorite band, the chicosi and the callalily were kian was there "my ultimate crush"
and we class A07 "astig" get together and talked until almost midnight.. hehehe and it is bit fun So happy that day...
also mr. daryl was there where not too close but..[secret]...

3rd meeting

The Freshmen Night was fun.
It was like we attended a concert.
I haven't recognize those performing band but after that night,
I've like their songs.
And what I saw on that event was full of talented performers.
. I was very happy and I have a really great night.
What I like most of the even was the performance of the Mapua Concert Singers. The blend of their voice was incredible. I hope they won in any contest they'll join. And for what I don't like during the event was when there are group of students who are messing around. I realized that, that night was a part of giving thanks of MCL for us students who chose this college. And I learned how hard they've tried to create this college possible. For those administrators, thank you very much for the treat. And I hope for as long as we stay here in MCL, we would experience more special events.

2nd Meeting

I've notice that the programme is well organized. And the security of each student was assured. They make sure that only the MALAYAN students can attend the Freshen Night and no outsider allowed just to secure each student safety. And Mr. DC informed us that even the students from MAPUA Intramurous was not allowed to come. The MCL Administrator made taht night unforgettable for everyone. They bring us 3 bands, the calla lily, mom's cake, and chicosci. And not only that, they gave a shirt and a planner for each student.

The most significant classroom experience in MCL might be my first day. It was June 18, 2007. Its in room 304. It was memorable. But the thing that makes it more memorable is because of my teacher, Mr. DC! He's my favorite teacher ever! haha! Because during the orientation, I found him funny yet serious in the things that he should be. And before I came in the school, I am hoping that he'll be one of my teacher. And my wish was not granted!hehe! but...its Okey!!!

My first day became memorable to me also because of I meet new people. And my classmates were all approachable and easy to get along with. Even all my professors were all kind. That's why I enjoy my first day.

First meeting

On my first week at MCL, all was still new to me, the place, lessons and especially my new classmates. it's fun, I still have some hang-over with my high school life. I miss my teachers, and all of them were great. But sometimes I get a little terrified whenever they're not in the mood or irritated and when they gave us quizzes. When it comes to my classmates, I think they thought that I'm noisy, but I'M NOT.. But still I keep coming up with their jokes and pranks. And I know they're a good person.For my course...It was a little difficult for me especially that this is not what I like. But I keep on trying to achieve the success for the sake of my parents who's in a hard work for me. I'd rather stick to it otherwise it will just go to waste. And also it was fun because of Math which is my favorite subject(even though I'm not good at it).I need to adjust my time with my academics, emotions, and social involvement. To my academics, which is my problem, I need to focus on them. To my emotions, since that I still have some hang-over with my high school life, I need to more aware with where I am now. And to my social involvement; Trance.I can't take them away from me because that is the only thing I am good of. And still of managing my time with them from my academics. That is the reason for me of staying up late or sometimes i didn't go to sleep at all.I want my first year of college to be fun. I like it to be enjoying, since MCL has just opened, I want feel it as my new home after my high school. To meet new friends ,to learn to be mature and to discover new things. For me to achieve them, that's why I joined many organizations in our campus and keep on communicating with other people. And I hope that next year, I would become a PROFESSIONAL.

Top ten Values

1 Highest
10 Lowest

1. Knowledge
2. Friends
3. Discipline
4. Beuty
5. Excellence
6. Family feelings
7. Trust
8. Truth
9. Positive Attitude
10. Personal Growth